
Cultivating Wise Hope

This past August, over 9,600 of you joined our virtual weekend retreat, Cultivating Wise Hope.

An incredible group of Bhakti, Buddhist, Christian, and Sikh visionaries and teachers, convened to share Dharma talks, storytelling, music, chant, and meditation to support our collective hearts, and point towards the idea of uncovering wise hope in an uncertain time.

As the retreat ended, many of you let us know that this retreat served as an oasis for our shared heart space amidst a pandemic that was ramping up and exacerbating the pain, fear, and polarization that many already felt.

Today, we've made all 16-hours of the weekend retreat available to download as audio and video files, so that you can re-visit these teachings whenever you'd like.

As a reminder, our fantastic teacher lineup includes a variety of wisdom teachings, meditation and music from Krishna Das, Sharon Salzberg, Anne Lamott, Bob Thurman, Valarie Kaur, Roshi Joan Halifax, Duncan Trussell, Nina Rao, Trevor Hall and Raghu Markus.

As we share community and wisdom during this time of unrest, we draw from a wellspring of spiritual traditions that allow us to cultivate Wise Hope. In this way, we can show up for those who need us, addressing the world’s suffering with compassionate action and Ram Dass’s perennial message of Loving Awareness.

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