This interview is part of the Mystics Summit, a free online event where you can reconnect with Divine love in the midst of complexity and turmoil. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. This recording was made in Dec 2020.
Learning The Hanuman Chalisa on Insight Timer
We will journey together through this 40-verse hymn, the Hanuman Chalisa, a devotional prayer that is chanted widely throughout India and around the world. A version of this chant 'Nina Hanuman Chalisa' is available for free listening here on Insight Timer. In the sacred text of Ramayana or Ramacharitmanasa, Hanuman is revered as the perfect devotee of the divine presence in the form Sri Ram, and an embodiment of intelligence, wisdom, compassion, courage, and surrender. While we invoke his qualities in this prayer, we remind ourselves that each of us is a reflection of Hanuman and can find these same qualities of perfection in our own hearts.
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