
Southeast Kirtan Wallah Tour + New Live CD

The birds in Brooklyn are finally calling! It's spring! I just returned from a wonderful weekend with Krishna Das and Sharon Salzberg at Kripalu and now ready to embark on my trip to Asheville NC to join Krishna Das on a portion of his southeast Kirtan Wallah tour. Here's one my favorite tracks on KD's new CD Kirtan Wallah

We are excited to announce the release of the live kirtan recording from Brooklyn Yoga School and the website where you can order it from. You can hear Brooklyn kirtanwallahs Jeremy and Devadas and kirtanwallis Ambika, Lily, Shyama, and myself as we sing together recorded live. It's available digitally on iTunes or physically from the new Vanaras website!

It takes a village! From my heart I want to offer my deepest thanks to all who helped fund and create Krishna Das's new cd - Kirtan Wallah.

Krishna Das Kirtan Wallah

Behind the Making of "Kirtan Wallah"


In a couple of weeks will be the official street date of Krishna Das's new studio album on his own label, Kirtan Wallah. What a journey it's been from conception to delivery and we will continue on tour with the CD this year through the spring, summer and onwards. I have been fortunate enough to hang around Krishna Das for all these years and the release of this CD is another milestone on an incredible exploration of life, work, chanting, practice, friendships, family and so much more.

Deepest thanks to:

Krishna Das, captain of the ship, steering us always toward Maharaj-ji

All the Krishna Das backers without whom none of this would have happened

All of you who will hear this CD

All the musicians and Kosmic Kirtan Posse on the CD who are mentioned here in KD's credits.

Sarina Rao for steadfastly handling the fundraising campaign and fulfillment management
Shamina Rao-Herel for artfully designing the backer TShirt and CD packaging
Janaki Kagel for cheerfully handling the fulfillment of the fundraising campaign
Satrupa Kagel for selecting the malas to be blessed
Lily Frindel for graphics and spreading the word
Devadas for the heartful and thoughful writeup for the CD
Kevin Reilly for providing the sound channels
Matt Thomas, Dj Pierce, Sean Collelo, and Sandy Chase for the still and moving visuals
Ana Ban for supporting in so many ways from the beginning
Tony Palleschi for all the online support
ABC Home for providing the space for an amazing NYC launch
The Rescuers: Jeremy Frindel, Jerry Scarnato, Marie Maybury, Bubby McInerney, Michael Fantin, Raghu Naik, Anasuya Rao, Sharada Kagel, Al Evers

Krishna Das Kirtan Wallah